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Final Child Development Synthesis

Final Child Development Synthesis

Q Grading Criteria: Your grade on the Child Development Synthesis will be based on your synthesis of class content with attention given to your thoroughness, application of ideas and methods learned in class and your thoughtful interpretations. Refer to the Signature Assignment Rubric that can be found on Canvas for more complete information. The following points will be given for each section: • Section 1 - Introduction = 10 pts • Section 2 - Physical Development = 20 pts • Section 3 - Social/Emotional Development = 20 pts • Section 4 - Cognitive Development = 20 pts • Section 5 - Recommendations = 10 pts • Section 6 - Family Meeting Agenda = 10 pts • Section 7 - Final Reflection = 15 pts • Section 8 - Appendix = 5 pts • Overall organization, aesthetics and use of ECS Standards for Critical Reading & Writing = 10 pts For ECS Major Students: The Child Development Synthesis is the signature assignment that will be stored for ECS assessment purposes. However, you are responsible for keeping your own signature assignments which you will need for the senior portfolio course, EDEC 478. It is strongly recommended that you store your Child Portfolio in a safe location and perhaps email it to yourself, so that it is on the SSU server. Rubric Final Child Development Synthesis Final Child Development Synthesis Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeElement 1: Critical Thinking Assignment clearly reflects critical thinking. There is strong evidence that the student: ? Considered multiple points of view ? Used evidence (facts, data) or established theories to justify statements and conclusions There might also be evidence that the student: ? Questioned assumptions ? Considered pros and cons ? Considered implications or consequences 5 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeElement 2: Professional Writing Writing is organized and uses correct spelling and grammar. ? Assignment uses effective word choice and clear phrasing. ? Concepts are completely explained and examples are provided. ? Tone of writing consistently uses a formal and academic voice. ? APA citation style is consistently and correctly used. 5 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3.1 Physical Development (NAEYC 1a) The interpretations of development in the synthesis include: ? thorough explanations of important developmental indicators for physical development ? 3 or more connections to typical development (w/citations) for physical development ? consistent usage of professional terms 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3.2 Social-Emotional Development (NAYEC 1a) The interpretations of development in the synthesis include: ? thorough explanations of important developmental indicators for social-emotional development ? 3 or more connections to typical development (w/citations) for social-emotional development ? consistent usage of professional terms 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3.1 Cognitive Development (NAEYC 1a) The interpretations of development in the synthesis include: ? thorough explanations of important developmental indicators for cognitive development ? 3 or more connections to typical development (w/citations) for cognitive development ? consistent usage of professional terms 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeElement 4 (NAEYC 3a) Recommendations: Includes 3 developmentally appropriate activities (1 for each of the focus children) with thorough explanations about how these activities contribute to each child’s positive developmental outcomes. Family Meeting Agenda: ? Identifies 1 developmental sub-area within one domain with a supporting piece of assessment data ? Describes 2 strategies that promote family-teacher partnership 20 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeElement 5.1 Physical Development (NAEYC 3b) Child Development Synthesis includes: ? 2 or more correctly used assessment tools that document this age group’s competencies in physical development. 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeElement 5.2 Social-Emotional Development (NAEYC 3b) Child Development Synthesis includes: ? 2 or more correctly used assessment tools that document this age group’s competencies in physical development. 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5.3 Cognitive Development (NAEYC 3b) Child Development Synthesis includes: ? 3 or more correctly used assessment tools that document this age group’s competencies in cognitive development. 10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeElement 6 (NAEYC 3c) Child Synthesis Final Reflection includes: ? a thorough description of the issues involved when using legal, ethical & appropriate assessment practices, with references to course readings ? thoughtful suggestions for assessing a diverse population of children in the future ? a critically considered discussion of social equity and inclusion with suggestions for developing a culturally sensitive early childhood setting, using references to course readings 15 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 15 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction Describe your overall observation experience. Please include the following information: 1. Format of your observation (i.e, virtual or Face-to-Face) 2. The age group you choose and reasons you chose this age range 3. The number and type of assessment tools used 4. The overall learning environment/classroom context that you have been observing in (1 paragraph, see journal #1). 5. Each of your focus children using the questions in journal #2 as a guide for your responses (3 paragraphs;1 paragraph per child) 5 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppendix Your appendix is composed of the raw data (assessments collected over the semester). Only include the data that you discuss in sections 2-4 and that you have correctly completed during the semester. The appendix contents will need to be referenced, using figure numbers, so that the reader can find each assessment tool as you describe what you learned through it. If some of your data would make more sense in the body of the child synthesis, you can include it in the relevant section. As you become more knowledgeable about assessments, you may find that you were not using the correct techniques in collecting your observations. You can redo these for your Appendix. Refer to the rubric to determine the number of assessments that you wish to include of the following learned in class: running records, anecdotal records, checklists, frequency counts, rating scales, DRDP, clinical interviews, time samples, language samples, work samples. 5 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 5 pts Total Points: 115 Previous

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The series of physical, verbal, mental, and behavioral changes that occur in a kid from birth to the beginning of maturity is referred to as child development. A youngster moves from dependent on their parents/guardians to increased independence throughout this process. The socialization of youngsters is highly valued in schools. Communication skills, including communication with peers, instructors, and families, have been successfully developed in the schools. In the future, I want to focus on communication and social skills because understanding how to socialize and understand one's environment is becoming increasingly crucial for everyone. This aids in the development of ethical and moral ideas in children, which is also a teacher's job in the development of decent people.